When summer comes around, I usually see myself in a hammock for a few weeks without a care in the world. It rarely happens that way. Summer offers such wonderful energy that you just want to share that energy with friends on piers with swimming or gardens with barbecues. Christmas, on the other hand, is really a good opportunity to recharge. Darkness is negative for some, but it might be a good counterbalance to those late and light summer evenings and as the melatonin (the sleep hormone we all get a dose of every night) comes earlier in the day, it might be an opportunity to rest a little extra .
We are biomechanically similar with a need to feel rest at regular intervals. And over Christmas, perhaps we can feel it extra strongly when we unwind with an extra dose of security and closeness to those we value most. When we do this, our stress hormones such as cortisol are lowered and other more valued substances such as oxytocin flow out and feelings such as worry and anxiety are dampened. That's really what a good Christmas is, to suppress feelings of worry, anxiety and to have time to recharge the batteries. A good friend of mine recently had a little baby and it must be the definition of peace when you see newborns sleeping in total peace - fed, freshly bathed and swaddled in total security. Christmas is so different for everyone, but at its core it must still be about taking care of others, because it is also about taking care of yourself. The more appreciation you show others, the more you get back. Perhaps there is room to stop and think about whether someone is alone around Christmas and include such a person in their community. Christmas is a time to strengthen and deepen the most important bonds and do so in a state of peace. But even if for one reason or another you don't celebrate Christmas or maybe you can't see your loved ones, you can always take care of yourself. An extra long morning of sleep in your exclusive bedding, wrapping yourself in a nurturing towel after a lovely shower or a long bath that warmed you up after a walk in the cold. Peace is the product of these factors, the small moments where all that disturbs, is not allowed access to your space.
We wish you a peaceful Christmas!