Reversed Black Friday
Time for reflection. In several articles and books about leadership, development and health, we are often reminded of the value of reflecting, in order to take a new direction and learn from previous experiences.
So let's!
We are beginning to see the light at the end of the dark pandemic tunnel and although there is still a huge amount of work to be done in the field, we must ask ourselves already now what we can learn from these months of illness, lockdowns and frustration. After all, it is two elements, among others, for which we all bear responsibility, namely reduced species barriers and the way we travel, that quickly escalated the situation. We have to respect that mother earth gives us a slap on the fingers sometimes if we don't become more sustainable in our way of life. It takes personal reflection to think about one's consumption, the way we travel or other types of choices we make in our everyday life... am I sustainable(?).
We want you to feel a sense of peace and well-being from wrapping yourself in one of our towels or eventually when you lie down to rest between your CHIMI bedding, but then the feeling needs to be good all the way. Organic materials, more than reasonable production conditions, high quality are just a few of the aspects we continuously work on to reduce our footprint. We see the value in this and also value our relationship with you, that it is sustainable and lasts a long time. That's why we don't come with a Black Friday offer like everyone else. We call it Reversed Black Friday. Regular price, sustainable conditions, sustainable world.
We want to encourage reflection; is it reasonable to consume at the expense of sustainability? Whatever your answer is, we hope you buy things you really need, when you really need them...preferably from us, of course. 😉